Темка сперта,признаюсь!
Расмус переодически пишут письма для своих фанатов и публикуют их в сети или рассылают по подписке на мыло.
Так вот их новое письмо!
Today is 12th of November. We are recording today a track of bass guitar for "Ghost of Love". Lauri has been recording "doubling" vocals for the songs the last few days. He's been working very hard to get the pronouncing right, i think it's great! These tracks that Lauri is doing now are making the choruses sound really big and fat, i love that!
The place where we record, we call it "birdhouse". It's looking over a beautiful forest and in couple of miles, almost in the horizon, we can see the downtown of Nashville, the big skyscrapers and that is such a view...
The autumn is really here now, the trees are yellow and red and orange, it's all just a bit like a fairy tale.
Every day we have been cooking some nice lunch or dinner at the birdhouse, we've had red curry thai chicken, the spread cheese filled steak, pasta bolognese... i wonder what we'll be having today. Lauri is really into cooking. I'm not that talented in the kitchen, but i know couple of nice tricks from my wife. It's coming out good!
I can't wait to hear the ready mixes of these songs!"